Discover 2024 California Arts Council Grant Opportunities!

8 exciting grant opportunities for arts organizations and individuals due 11:59 pm June 6, 2024.

The California Arts Council, a state agency, aims to enrich arts, culture, and creativity for a brighter California. Through funding and programs, it supports artistic projects statewide. Its goal is a California where everyone flourishes, with broad access to and involvement in the arts.

Arts & Cultural Organizations General Operating Support – Up to $30,000 in direct funding to arts and cultural organizations in support of ongoing operations.

Arts Education Exposure – Up to $25,000 in support of student attendance at arts performances and exhibits.

Arts Integration Training – Up to $25,000 in support of arts integration training for educators facilitated by teaching artists.

Creative Youth Development – Up to $25,000 in support of arts projects for youth outside of traditional school hours.

Impact Projects – Up to $25,000 in support collaborative projects that center artists and artistic practice in responding to issues experienced by California’s historically and systemically under-resourced communities.

State-Local Partners – Up to $75,000 for support and technical assistance for county-designated local arts agencies.

State-Local Partner Mentorship – Up to $50,000 in support for the establishment by an existing State-Local Partner of a county-designated local arts agency in counties in which no such agency has currently been identified.

Statewide and Regional Networks – Up to $50,000 in support for arts service organizations providing practical resources for the communities they serve.

Lumina Grants Consulting provides grant writing expertise for arts organizations and would love to work with you for any of these opportunities.

Reach out today to get started!

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